Wednesday, September 17, 2014

More on Travel Teaching - The Inside Scoop!

Now that you have the basics on travel teaching from Part 1 of this post, let me fill you in on some details I've learned from instructors who have participated in a travel teaching experience.

Do your resort research! Each one offers a slightly different deal. The resorts have different amenities, and some are adults-only (if you have kids, you should also note that some resorts allow you to bring more than one guest for a small fee). Some resorts have indoor spaces, and others expect you to teach by the pool. They're all different, and you should pick a place that will accommodate you/your family and where you'll be most comfortable teaching.

Feelin' hot hot hot. Speaking of teaching by the pool, be sure to think about your ability to teach outdoors in Caribbean weather. If you're concerned, you might look for a resort with an indoor gym or even consult a doctor before you go.

Do like the Girl Scouts and always be prepared. There are to big things here. First, most of the resorts require at least one class be taught in aqua fitness style. I actually took the Aqua Zumba training specifically for this trip, and I'm glad I did (the dynamics of movement are different under water and you should adjust your choreo for the pool). I'm also preparing my iPod, CDs, and various adapters as each resort has a different sound system and I would hate to be caught without the music that I know and love (and can dance to in my sleep).

Read the crowd! I've heard that, especially if you're teaching by the pool, most of your students are there for a good time and aren't too worried about getting a killer workout. As an instructor, you'll have to be comfortable teaching to a crowd that wants to burn calories and/or just dance around in between margaritas. 

You can learn more and sign up for a teaching vacation through Fit Pro Travel here.

Opinions are honest and my own. If you choose to book a trip after reading this post (by using this link), I will get a small commission from Fit Pro Travel.  Thanks for supporting The Z Beat!

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