About Us

Welcome to The Z Beat brought to you by Danajill Bee Fit. A blog that encompasses "All Things Fitness".  As I think about everything that led me to working with Jennifer Lauren the founder of The Z Beat, and subsequently taking it over to relaunch the site, I can sum it up with one well known quote, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"~ Laozi

Eight years ago I stumbled into my first Zumba® class on a whim. I decided in the dead of winter that I would try my hand at a Groupon I received in the mail in order to "get ready" for my Winter vacation. Up until that time I had been a member of almost every gym in the area, and I had started my fitness plans over and over and over again (and over again). To be honest, my first Zumba® class was a hot mess. I was lost in a sea of people who were acquainted with the music, the moves and I sensed they belonged to their own family. I went to a couple of different classes and ultimately found one that matched my style. It made me feel at home. I no longer dragged myself to the gym. I started anticipating classes. I waited for Zumba®-time daily. I counted down the minutes. I blocked off my calendar at work to ensure I would get there on time. After about a year, I thought it would be fun to get my Zumba® certification. I had NO IDEA what was behind door number two. I can sum my journey up with this famous quote, "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"~Walt Disney

That door that opened was life changing personally, physically and professionally. 

  • I met the most amazing, talented and gracious people that have knowingly or unknowingly taught me skills and valuable lessons. 
  • I also came across a small subset of mean spirited, selfish and arrogant people. However, they also taught me valuable lessons about myself and about remaining authentic. 
  • I found an incredible network of friends and colleagues, some of which I know in my heart will be friends forever and chair dancing when we can't dance anymore.
  • Most importantly personally I am honored to be an instructor at various gyms, many of which the participants became, friends, confidants, and part of my extended family.....my Zumba® family.
  •  I continued my physical journey and lost weight, became fit, and adopted a healthy lifestyle. 
  • I was able to effectively manage my anxiety and overall well-being through exercise and physical activity
  • I became overall more productive at work, a better mom, a better partner, and better friend.
  • I am happier.
  • I am healthier.  
  • I expanded my expertise through various Zumba® certifications (Step, Aqua, STRONG, Toning).
  • I learned new skills and created opportunities as my passion crossed over to Cycle and Weight training.
  • I was able to collaborate with talented and tenured role models and instructors over the years who provided guidance to help with difficult decisions.
  • I along with these colleagues formed a dance group, Zumbejas that came together and celebrated dance, fitness, friendship and giving back to the community through various events and fundraisers.
And now it is time to branch off again. It is time to take a new journey on a new platform with the fitness community to share our knowledge, experience, passions, difficulties, happiness, sadness, funnies and subject matter expertise. Our goal is to educate, motivate and inspire.  

I am excited for what is behind Door #2, and I am thrilled to have a team of talented colleagues and friends to share this experience with. 

Much Love,
The Z Beat Team


  1. I found out about Zumba in a pretty unique way. I work in a senior living community. A fantastic fitness instructor came in and offered Zumba Gold for the residents. Myself and a few other staff members went to observe the class and before you knew it we were drawn in by the music and began Zumba-ing along. It was such fun we hardly realized that we were getting a workout. I decided to try a non-gold class. I definitely knew I was working out! It was hard but fun. The music is amazing and it keeps you moving. I'm in my 50's and have been in classes with people half my age and almost twice my age (those Gold classes are still fun). BTW, I think that dance recital photo is awfully cute.

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