Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tools and Tricks on!

This post is by Dana, a guest blogger on The Z Beat!

Did you know as a ZIN member, there's a plethora of tools and resources available for you right at your fingertips as part of your ZIN monthly dues? I bet by the time you get to the end of this list you will have discovered a new resource. Ready, Set, Go! The web site has so.much.information. it is silly! Let’s take a closer look at everything the site has to offer. Once you log in on click on your name in the right hand corner and you will see a drop-down menu. Let’s explore:

My ZIN Home: This landing page is hub for all of the information that is relevant to you. It lists broad announcements. Pay attention to these announcements as they are great resources to find out when your ZIN™ NOW music is ready to be downloaded, as well as volunteer and job opportunities. On this page you will also be able to explore your local training options, find marketing materials and make sure that your Zumba classes are showing up properly.

Manage Classes: This is an important one! You have the opportunity to edit existing classes and add new ones through this interface. It is SO important to keep your schedule up-to-date so prospective Zumba participants can find you. (Note, these classes will also show up on your Zumba web site).

Manage Events: Hosting an event? Post it here! This is a great place to list your event for marketing purposes. Not only will you be able to link to it in your social media and marketing efforts, but you will get the exposure via the platform! (This is a great gem).
Manage my Website: Having an online presence is so important these days. Let’s face it, that is the way that most people are going to find you, ONLINE! Zumba provides ZIN members an easy-to-use web site builder packed with templates that are already created so all you have to do is drag and drop your information within the online tool, save and press publish and voila! I bet you can build a site in less than 30 minutes, and the instant value in terms of marketing and exposure is invaluable.

Marketing Materials: Zumba has taken the guess work and stress out of creating marketing materials. The marketing materials section literally gives your business cards, marketing pieces, and punch cards for your classes. All you have to do is type in your personal information, save and print. (Really, it is that easy!)

Affiliate Program: You get paid when other people shop. YUP, that’s right. Under the affiliate program, you just need to set up a code and let people know when they shop on to enter your affiliate code, they get a discount and you get paid. (Sounds like a Win-Win to me!) Speaking of, feel free to use discount code thezbeat for 10% off all of your purchases!

Instructor Trainings: This section will outline Zumba training opportunities by niche and state. Check back often for new instructor trainings that are added to the line-up. If you see something that you want to enroll in, don’t wait, these classes fill up quickly!

Instructor Trainings: e-learning is also a great way to “be in the know” and learn new skills. e-learning allows you to learn from the comfort of your home at your pace. In this section you can sign up and learn a new rhythm or even broaden your horizons and check out Plate by Zumba™.

Forum: The forum is a fantastic way to connect with your local, regional and national Zumba family. You can jump on a communication thread that is already started, or start your own! There are also live forums on Thursdays. There is a ton of great, easy-to-find information packed into this section of the web site.

ZIN™ NOW: If you don’t already know about ZIN™ NOW check it out. ZIN™ NOW gives you the opportunity to receive your ZIN™ Volumes and Mega Mixes digitally through ZIN™ Now. If you make the switch to digital (no additional cost), you will receive your music on the first of the month!

My ZIN Account: Is where you can check to make sure your personal information is up-to-date and edit your billing information. HINT, your ZIN Member ID is also listed on this page!

Don’t forget about this great online resource! And oh… you can also SHOP online here for Zumba wear! How could I forget??
What resource do you find the most helpful on


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