Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Portion Control Made Simple

Have you seen this 24 Diagrams to Help you Eat Healthier post floating around on Buzzfeed? It's a super handy collection of infographics about food and nutrition.

Here is one of my favorite diagrams from that post. I think eating the right portions is one of the toughest parts of healthy eating and losing/maintaining one's weight. As I've written in the past, understanding appropriate portions has been critical to my own weight loss.

Especially on a snow day like today in the northeast, I have to be super mindful of how I eat. It would be all too easy to snack my way through a day like today. (Instead, I'll be tracking my calories, running an indoor boot camp for myself, choreographing a new Zumba song, and cooking a healthy dinner!)

Anyway, this Hand Guide to Portion Control makes it SO EASY to know how much to scoop onto your plate. I mean, you have to fuel yourself and listen to your body, but knowing where to start in terms of portions is one of the best lessons we can teach ourselves. I hope you find this as helpful as I did!

Credit: www.guardyourhealth.com


1 comment:

  1. This diagram is great. The teaspoon/tablespoon is especially helpful.
