Saturday, January 24, 2015

Question of the Week: Are You Focused on Fitness or The Entertainer?

I've had something on my mind for a while, so I took to Facebook to ask this Question of the Week:

Personally, as a STUDENT, I know I'm picky about this. I don't want to take a class with a boring instructor who looks like they're just going through the motions. Yawn. But, flip your hair too many times or shake your booty too much, and it feels like you think you're a back up dancer for Beyoncé... I mean, pay some attention to the rest of us! It's a super delicate balance.
As an INSTRUCTOR, I try super hard to be fun without performing. I sing along, emphasize certain moves to get everyone moving more, and freestyle a little during song introductions. I try not to add too much flare (which, I think is intimidating to students without dance backgrounds) and I try to show the group that I'm focused on them - lots of thumbs ups and "You got it!"s.

But, I really wanted to know what you think... and here's what you said:
  • I try to have a balance of both fitness and fun at the same time. - Tiffany, (And many others like Michele, Magda, Guylaine, Joseph, Sam, Angel, Nina and Julie agreed. They also recommend ProSkills training to help strike this balance.)
  • My clients always tell me they come for the "show". - Adam (Tracy is an entertainer, too!)

  • While keeping the Zumba Fitness formula in mind I engage with my classes. While engaging them I make sure their form is correct and I keep an eye on the newbies as well as the seasoned vets. I give a little push when it is due. I work the crowd and work them individually to make sure everyone has that "teachers pet" feel... - Adrienne

  • We are instructors, not performers. We encourage and set the atmosphere of fun and fitness, but it's not a show. Big pet peeve of mine. - Patti (Sheny agreed! So did Tiffany, who said "It's Zumba Fitness, not Zumba Entertainment!")

  • I like to have fun! I smile ALL the time and sing along too! But I keep my moves sharp and cue when necessary. My participants have commented that they love my many expressions during class. It makes them smile, which, to me, makes their workout that much more fun!


  1. Think about what the Zumba® brand is. :) It is exercise, it is to get people motivated to be fit and healthy, but the main push is on that party atmosphere!

    As a ZIN in this, while it's certainly about the exercise and the students progress, those students also want to escape that daily grind of life for that one hour. Whatever is going on in the "real world", they want to escape. They want to have fun, be around other like minded people, and as instructors we have that responsibility to give it to them. :)

    Not saying that we have to be Chris Rock or Amy Schumer, lol, but for that one hour, we want for the students to have fun and get excited about being healthy! If they love the vibe and love you for giving them that positive motivation and spirit, they will come back and that's what any instructor wants. And if your personality does glisten like that, then no need to hide it! Just don't let that overwhelm the purpose of what this is. It's a balance, no question. But at the end of the day if the students are happy and things are happening in terms of their health, then you did your job. :)

    I might be that crazy "Zumbro", lol. but the stars in this are the students and I let them know it. I applaud them. :)

  2. I have the "we are all in this together" vibe. I teach Gold and I am still overweight and learning how to be a better teacher. I don't have big classes either so this works for me for now. One of my students is very thin, and she has back problems so I keep that in mind when doing my list. She likes to march, even during a cumbia sleepy leg. I don't correct any of my students if they dance different from me. I just tell them to keep moving and have fun. I hide the fitness moves because I don't want them to think about it being exercise. It still amazes me when I can do something and my students can't yet. I just adjust each class to make my students have fun and enjoy the class. They will get out of it what they put into it.

  3. I have the "we are all in this together" vibe. I teach Gold and I am still overweight and learning how to be a better teacher. I don't have big classes either so this works for me for now. One of my students is very thin, and she has back problems so I keep that in mind when doing my list. She likes to march, even during a cumbia sleepy leg. I don't correct any of my students if they dance different from me. I just tell them to keep moving and have fun. I hide the fitness moves because I don't want them to think about it being exercise. It still amazes me when I can do something and my students can't yet. I just adjust each class to make my students have fun and enjoy the class. They will get out of it what they put into it.
